My teaching philosophy includes an approach called I/Thou, a relational listening process written about by Martin Buber which addresses the connection between any two individuals. I employ rigorous dialogue and varied mediums in my praxis, which allows me to teach adaptively according to different approaches to making and thinking. I relish in working closely and equally with others, engaging students in a reciprocal exchange of ideas and practice. I bring to the mentorship experience a lifetime of varied and evolutionary techniques ranging from painting, drawing, printmaking, to mark-making, public, and social practice as well as a passion for professional practice. I have the experience of consciously changing mediums, practice, and direction to better facilitate my message to the world, while continuing the successes of my career. As a mentor, I bring an experienced understanding of the nuances of both a strong practice alongside the importance of networking and working within an arts milieu. I love to work with artists. I met the MFA candidate with focus on their practice and vision. I have an international, national practice while rooted firmly in the local, sharing resources is a passion of mine. My role is to help the MFA students develop their own voice and praxis.